Muscle Health Implications for Tradies: Insights from Our Physios

August is National Workers' Health Month, and with tradies making up 30 per cent of the workforce, it’s in all our interest to help them stay healthy by highlighting the importance of preventing and treating musculoskeletal problems. 

Therefore, guided by our physiotherapists, we present the potential impacts on muscle health that tradies may experience due to the physical demands of their work plus how physios can help them to boost longevity and work until they are ready to retire. 

Muscle Imbalances:

Some tasks can cause muscle imbalances, where some muscles are overdeveloped while others are underused. This imbalance can cause discomfort, reduce the range of motion and increase the risk of injury.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physios can review where imbalances are and provide manual therapy techniques to release any tightened areas and guide through strength exercises to improve any weak areas. 

Strains and Sprains:

Using muscles to lift objects or hold positions for prolonged periods can lead to strains and sprains, in which muscles and tendons are stretched or torn due to overexertion.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physio’s are able to help you deload the area to allow for effective tissue healing. Your physio will then be able to guide you through your strength and rehabilitation to get you back to the level of activity that you were previously at. And potentially have you even stronger/better. 

Reduced Flexibility:

Repetitive movements and sustained postures can cause reduced flexibility in muscles and joints, potentially leading to stiffness and limited range of motion.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physiotherapists can use manual therapy techniques to help improve your range of motion and muscle length. We can also teach you how to lengthen increase the range of your joints and muscles. 

Postural Issues:

Tradies often bend, lift, and twist, resulting in poor posture over time. Muscles that maintain proper posture may weaken, leading to slouching or other postural problems.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physiotherapists are able to help you improve your posture through massage, manipulation and exercise prescription 

Risk of Overuse Injuries:

Performing the same tasks repeatedly can strain particular muscle groups, increasing the risk of overuse injuries such as tendinitis or bursitis.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physiotherapists can provide guidance to help you reduce your risk of overloading injuries. They can offer strength programs, load management advice, and correct your techniques.

Muscle Tightness:

Certain trades can lead to chronically tight muscles due to the demands placed on them. Tight muscles can contribute to discomfort and reduced functionality. Weak core muscles may lead to lower back pain and reduced stability.

How physiotherapy can help you out?

Physios will continue to help strengthen muscles to help you improve your function and reduce your pain. 

If you want to know more about keeping your body healthy as a tradie, check out

If you're struggling with pain management and need help with your symptoms, it's important to schedule an appointment with one of our expert physiotherapists. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best care possible, so don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

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Laura Angarita